An e-mail course that helps with climate campaigns

Juli 2022

       Creatives need to work on social change. They are the ones who know how to emotionalize topics and inspire people, but often still waste their talent marketing fossil industries. To spread the basics of climate communication, I collect international knowledge in an automated email course. The course is 10 emails in ten days, all quick reads. It combines the latest research with psychology and systems thinking theories.
My part: a full side hustle: course ideation, design, structuring and writing

1 Learn about the brain 🧠
2 Choose a target group 🎯
3 Look at the handprint 🖐
4 Work with identity, not against it 💁🏻‍♀️
5 Make it new(sworthy) ✨
6 Take a break 🍾
7 List co-benefits 🤝
8 Talk solution, not pollution💡
9 Make it intersectional 👏🏽
10 Create good stories 🤩

Interested? Take the free course here