Workshops and Talks


    How do we connect knowledge from advertising with climate communication? I love giving workshops about these topics, as at the K3 Climate Communication Congress, at Munich Creative Business Week, for Amnesty International and creative agency Jung von Mattand grassroot movements.


no upcoming events yet

Why Politics Needs Design
September 10, 2024, Ladies Wine & Design, Berlin

From Narratives To Content
June 2024, Amnesty International Netherlands, Utrecht, NL

Narrative und Framing 
May 2024, FH Aachen, Aachen, Germany

Stop Selling That Crap!
January 2024, Ignite, Berlin, Germany

Kreative Umweltkommunikation in Zeiten von multiplen Krisen
2023, online, Munich Creative Business Week

Intro To Climate Communication
2023, JVM Academy, Hamburg, Germany

Stop Yelling The Truth, Start Selling The Truth
2022, K3 Klimakommunikationskongress, Zürich, CH

Newsletter Writing
2022, online, Psychologists4Future
